Tax Credits for Replacing Your HVAC System in Pompano Beach, FL

Are you considering replacing your HVAC system in Pompano Beach, FL? Learn how to get tax credits from the federal government and save money on your electricity bill each year.

Tax Credits for Replacing Your HVAC System in Pompano Beach, FL

Are you looking to upgrade your HVAC system in Pompano Beach, FL? If so, you may be eligible for a tax credit from the federal government. AA Advance Air can provide you with the latest central air conditioning and heat pump systems that can help you save money on your electricity bill each year and also receive a tax break. The federal government offers tax credits for high-efficiency HVAC systems that meet certain criteria. These credits are available for both residential and commercial properties.

To qualify, the system must meet certain energy efficiency standards set by the U. S. Department of Energy. The tax credit is available for up to 10% of the cost of the system, up to a maximum of $500.

This credit is available for systems purchased and installed between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021. If you are considering replacing your HVAC system in Pompano Beach, FL, now is a great time to do so. Not only will you save money on your electricity bill each year, but you may also be eligible for a tax credit from the federal government. AA Advance Air can provide you with the latest central air conditioning and heat pump systems that can help you save money and receive a tax break.